Saturday, February 6, 2010


Metal Hammer have this brilliant idea to get the Big Four to jam on Orion, and when I say "brilliant idea" I mean "post about how it's a great idea." If you're going to celebrate thrash metal, you can't not play that song at some point.

Though frankly you'd have an easier time getting them to do the song that Metallica calls "The Four Horsemen" and Megadave calls "Mechanix," because (at least) four of the eight guitarists who will be there already know it. Though they'd argue about which set of lyrics to use...

Besides, it's not like I'll be there, but even if I was I'm not sure I'd want four bassists in a genre that is all about insanely tight playing mucking up the greatest bassline Cliff Burton ever wrote.

That thing that starts at 6:36? That's a genuine bass solo, son. That's how it's done.

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