Saturday, February 13, 2010

Life, Don't Talk to Me About Life

Here's the scoop: you're going to die. No, that's not a death threat. One of these days your body will betray you and you'll turn into a rotting sack of flesh. Nobody wants to think about it. They'll do anything to bury themselves in a fairy-tale world where they don't have to think about it that they'll pay $20 for bad movies and steal bad music off the Internet. And this is why the entertainment industry exists.

People simply aren't equipped to deal with the fact that they'll die. Athiests may claim to be; "Oh, you religious types, you do this and that to shelter yourselves from the fact that you will one day cease to be. Heaven is just an illusion you came up with to try to believe that everything will still be all right."

All very well and good, but an athiest can still live responsibly. As opposed to saying "there's no judgement; we all just die and that's it" and then going on a binge, athiests tend to follow a moral code and live by society's rules just like everyone else. Now it is certainly true that living intelligently can lead to living longer. It is also true that a car can swerve around the corner and kill you next time you're at a busy intersection.

I'm not trying to say that life is fickle or that there isn't a God or you should live your life in such-and-such way. All I'm saying is that you really don't understand the concept of never.

Never listen to the same song twice. Never watch the same actor in more than one movie. Never watch re-runs.


ps, suicide is never the answer. Ever.

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