Friday, February 5, 2010

My very first ever radio gig was last night and I've already lied once in this post!

Because my very first radio gig was 2 years ago when we did "A Christmas Carol" live in the studio. I was Young Scrooge, a role I was born to play. And that was just my first live radio gig. Before that, in Halloween 07, we recorded "The War of the Worlds" beforehand. I was Crazy DaResistance guy near the end.

But last night was the very first time that I hosted my own radio program and had to push buttons to switch the microphones off and the music on and so forth. It went rather smoothly as first gigs go, I didn't swear on the air and I didn't insult current music too much (because I can be very generous when I want to, even going so far as to not call out artistic rot the instant I'm given a pulpit from which to do so). I had to play a current song, so I played Muse's "Uprising," it being the only thing on the new music shelf I was at all familiar with. It sounds pretty much like everything else they've done only with slighly lower vocals and a blatant ripoff of the Doctor Who theme going on in the background. But AC/DC have made a career out of making the same album over and over again, and Pink Floyd put the Doctor Who theme in "One of These Days," (2:17-2:31 in the video) so I can't complain much. Muse are one of the better bands playing today, and I wish that were saying more than it is because they do actually have serious chops. They probably would even have gotten airplay back when standards were higher, if they'd been around then. What I'm trying to say is Muse is better than most other current music acts and that's good enough for me.

The setlist was your standard classic-rock fare; there was Zeppelin and Queen, AC/DC and Pink Floyd, unabashed use of "Sympathy for the Devil" and "Hotel California" as 6-minute fillers, and an offhand comment on Aerosmith's current state after I played "Toys in the Attic." The radio we had set up in the studio to let us know how it sounded had absolutely no bass, but there was bass coming out of the monitors so I have to assume that this is because the radio in the studio was as cheap as the actual value of your average current music album.

It was kinda fun.

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