Thursday, April 3, 2014

Better late than never: my Game of Thrones Season 4 predictions

Quite a few, sorted alphabetically by character below the fold. I expect a supremely ambitious season because a) I don't want to see them progress at a measly rate of 40 pages an episode (they averaged 100 in Seasons 1 and 2), and b) GRRM has recently expressed increased concern that the show may catch him.

SPLOILERS, obviously

No, seriously, SPLOILERS. I have read the books and so everything that I mention below will happen, it's just a question of whether this happens this season.

So, once again, SPLOILERS.

If you're still there, let us continue...

Arya Stark will flee the continent.

Balon Greyjoy will die.

Bran Stark finds the three-eyed raven by episode 5 or I start fast-forwarding through his stuff. (Not going to happen, of course, but it's getting to the point that I despite him the brakes he puts on the far more interesting plotlines and am looking for an excuse to skip his material filler.)

Brienne is probably going to get all the way through her (paltry) A Feast For Crows plotline. We may cut out Merrett Frey entirely and have her be the one who stumbles across Lady Stoneheart in the final episode.

Cersei Lannister will have frak-all to do except hurl accusations at Tyrion.

Daenerys Targaryen oh yeah is still in this show. Drogon will eat someone.  She might get as far as deciding to marry Harzoo.  

Davos Seaworth will... yeah, I have no idea.

Loras Tyrell will have a gay sex scene and be put on the Kingsguard.  He will probably also get Balon Swann's lines assuming they do the White Tower scene properly at all.

Margaery Tyrell will get herself a third fiance.

Jaime Lannister gets Kevan's role as Tyrion's only friend during his trial. He also gets a golden hand, but we knew this already. He will become everyone's favorite character assuming that the show does the right thing and exposes all of Tyrion's character flaws, which we know it won't.

Jon Snow will continue to forget how to act be conflicted about his loyalty to the Watch versus his lust for that wildling he shacked up with. 

Joffrey Baratheon Lannister will die. And there will be much rejoicing. 

Ramsay Snow Bolton will go Bran hunting.

Reek will repeat his madness mantra at least once per episode he appears in.  He will continue to fail to garner sympathy from me.

Roose Bolton will hang around the North being a boss.  Mayhaps will arrange a wedding.

Sansa Stark will watch her cray-cray auntie Lysa go splat. Mayhaps also learn about Littleprick's plans for her.

Stannis Baratheon will win the War of Five Kings by default, but also by having a Big Damn Heroes moment the show will probably screw up.

Tyrion Lannister will spend the vast majority of the season locked up. He will eventually leave King's Landing and might meet Illyrio.

Tywin Lannister will die.

Yara Greyjoy will be captured by Stannis Baratheon. Somehow.  Either that or her mission will end in failure some other way.

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