Sunday, June 14, 2015

Some thoughts on the Season Finale of the Ramsay Snow Show


  • Renly Baratheon was many things, but the one thing he most certainly was not was "the rightful king of Westeros." Fuck's sake, Brienne.
  • His Grace Stannis Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals, the First Men, and yes the Rhoynar, had the best delivery of the best last words of anybody on this show.
  • Sansa Stark's Big Moment is a) using a screwdriver as a lockpick and b) finally snapping Theon out of his Reek funk by doing... the last thing Theon Greyjoy did (making a valiant but ultimately doomed last stand at Winterfell). Hrmkay. Maybe next season stab Littleprick in the neck for that?
  • Speaking of Season Two, once again Tyrion has to run a city that hates him with Varys's help. Ah, so it's not just Sansa's plotline that's gone and got itself reset then.
  • Why are there Dothraki in Westeros? Seriously, no-where Daenerys has been looks that green.
  • Um, er, so, news of Ser Maryn's death traveled from Braavos to King's Landing faster than news of Stannis's defeat spread from Winterfell to the Wall...? Or did Qyburn just poison one of the other Kingsguard? Or is there even a limit of seven Kingsguard? That whole plotline sucked.
  • Fuck off, Olly. Nobody cares about you.

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