For the Watch
No-brainer. The only questions I have are 1) will it spoil TWOW by having Jon warg into Ghost (like that's been properly set up) or come back to life, 2) will Ser Alliser participate (I hope not, because I privately like that guy), 3) shouldn't, logically, Sam (please?*) and Tormund (nooooo) get knifed too here?
*I will stop hating on Sam if he kills
The Battle of Ice
Realistically: Stannis and Roose die. Ramsay and Brienne may or may not survive.
Sansa's Corkscrew
Is a Westerosi clotheshangar. Yes it's as terrible as it sounds.
Dies, horribly, after single-handedly carrying Sansa out of the castle and saving her and being all brave and proactive about it. If Sansa's allowed to fluctuate wildly in characterization from episode to episode then by golly, so is he!
Does the Walk of Shame, meets FrankenGregor. Titties excuse the inevitable awful execution of this sequence.
Murdered by Varys alongside Pycelle and Kevan. Alternatively, warps back to Winterfell only to get stabbed in the neck by Sansa's corkscrew.
Ah, here's the wild card, isn't it? After all, we know that someone was down in Dorne, that someone was a "she," and nobody's allowed to say anything more. Well, my personal theory is that Dany just sort of wanders around out in the desert, because that someone in Dorne is...
Lady Stoneheart
Shows up out of nowhere and attacks Jaime, injuring/killing Myrcella and starting (somehow) a war between the Lannisters and Dorne.
Saint Tyrion
Solves every problem in Meereen in one day by virtue of not being Daenerys. Then goes off to run the Iron Bank.
Upjumped Sellsword With Titty Daggers
In a surprise twist, has gay sex with Jorah and catches greyscale.
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