Monday, June 15, 2015

A few more thoughts about the Game of Thrones finale

I'm on my other computer and can't merge the two posts on this account. Might do later.

  • Yeah. We know Meryn Trant is evil. We get it.
  • Given that they sunk their budget on a big action piece that wasn't in the books, the way they cut around the actual Bolton/Stannis battle was pretty good.
    • Where did Roose get an army that big?
  • In the book, Theon and the Sansa stand-in survive their fall off Winterfell's wall by landing in a snowdrift. In the show, R'hllor just melted all the snow. Way to think that one through.
  • They couldn't have used the same wig for Lena's body double that they used for her, could they? Wow did that look fake.
  • A lot of character development got shoved back, didn't it? You think Brienne's going to realize she put revenge ahead of her oath to keep the Stark girls safe?
  • So Ellaria Sand poisons Myrcella. While Punkass Trystane is on the boat with her. Okay, so she knows that this is going to start a war between the Lannisters and Dorne - which is fine, that was her entire goal all along - but in order for that to happen, it needs to look like the Myrcella killing was Doran-approved. So why did she act hostile to Doran in the previous episode?
  • How did Team Dragon get out of the fighting pit?
  • Why is Team Dragon still loyal to a president queen who would fly off to the golf course on her dragon every time the going gets rough?
    • This bugs me in the book, too. Book-fans complain that the show scene of Dany flying off on Drogon was "unearned," but honestly it was a Draco ex Machina in the book as well and the clincher for me that Dany would never be fit to rule the Seven Kingdoms.
  • What the hell was that ring Dany dropped? The showrunners said it was a "bread crumb." Are you fucking kidding me?
  • Jorah and Daario are next season's Road Trip Buddies (TM). Because we just have to have those, apparently.
  • I suddenly like Daario. He's still a poncy upjumped sellsword with titty daggers, but I finally like his character.
  • I took Alliser Throne for a better man than that. (Dude's an asshole, yeah, but I pictured him as being pragmatic enough to understand that 5000 living wildlings who will fight for them is better than 5000 more zombies.) Him shoving the first knife in was a bigger blow than the five minutes of Jon and Whiny Brat making doe eyes at each other.

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