Sunday, June 28, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Why Burning Shireen Is The Worst Change From THE BOOKS, Ever

No, there's no fucking spoiler tag on this one, and no, I don't care if that offends you.

See, I defended the Sansa Rape Scene, because I don't think it's beyond a reasonable doubt that Littlefinger will try to rape Sansa in the next book. I thought the show was moving the pieces around while still getting to both "Sansa has an awful sexual experience" and "Sansa stops trusting Littlefinger."

I defended Jon going to Hardhome because hey, why not, Show!Jon is more an action hero than his book counterpart, and Tormund could reasonably want him to give his word to the Free Folk before they showed up at the wall hoping for passage.

But this?


The Stannis Baratheon in the novels would never burn his daughter. No. Never.

What the hell is wrong with these people? I might as well start rooting for Villain Sue, because it's clear as all fuck that the showrunners do.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan turns 33 today.

Here are some reasons it's the best space opera film.

  • The theme music. Holy crap, the theme music.
  • Kirk's whole "space cowboy" schtick is deconstructed, he's given a midlife crisis, his overconfidence gets a lot of people - including his best friend - killed. Meanwhile, the best Star Wars was ever able to manage was cutting off the hero's hand and having the villain tell him they were related. No contest.
  • They actually killed off a popular regular (yes, they brought him back in the next film, but this is not a post about that).
  • They actually damaged the Enterprise model.
  • They gave the characters proper uniforms.
  • They seamlessly integrated a new character and let her bounce off Kirk and Spock flawlessly (seriously, try to imagine this film without Saavik. No Kobayashi Maru test, so no discussions of the no-win scenario; nobody willing to second-guess Kirk when he's obviously wrong, etc.)
  • The special effects - and especially the nebula battle - still hold up today.
    • And at no point is an effect or an explosion gratuitous. Because they were willing to damage the Enterprise model - and because the script conspires to never have either ship get shot at while its shields are up - every shot does damage. Every shot gets people killed

Monday, June 1, 2015

Below the fold is a MASSIVE spoiler for this season of Game of Thrones

Consider yourself warned.

Game of Thrones 5x08

In which the Bastard of the Dreadfort goes full-on Villain Sue, Sansa is reduced to the role of Theon's confessor, the Sinbad Skeletons make an unwelcome reappearance, and a zombie mom shows up. No, it's not Stoneheart.

Image of the Week: Pearl Harbor and the Fog of War

  I follow a lot of naval history accounts, so this "Japanese map showing their assessment of the damage done to the United States flee...