Saturday, March 8, 2014

James Plays Pokemon: Day 8

On entering Victory Road, team (and levels): Victreebell (35), Starmie (42), Nidoqueen (27), Sandslash (40), Vulpix (27), Zapdos (50).

Game beaten in 25:06 over eight days of playing, with 48 Pokemon caught. Final team (as entered in Hall of Fame): Zapdos (54), Vulpix (28), Nidoqueen (31), Sandslash (40), Victreebell (40), Starmie (46). The closest we came to losing was when Lance killed half the team while I spent time using Revive and Hyper Potion to get Zapdos back in the fight. Victreebell actually managed to inflict a small amount of damage!

The only one that was still fainted when all was said and done was Starmie, mainly because after it had steamrolled all the way through Ash's team save Blastoise, it was low on health and I wanted to switch to Zapdos without sacrificing a move, so I had Starmie stay in the fight until it fell.

...can I just say that the AI was utterly moronic, Lorelei especially but also Lance (yes, Oh Brilliant Trainer, keep using one defensive move while Zapdos Thunders your last Dragonite to death). Seriously, the ten-year-old in me who'd resorted to cheating to finish Red is angry that I was able to use such an underpowered team to just clobber everyone. (When Starmie was 1-hit-KO'ing mons 20 levels higher, I began to wonder how seriously broken this game is.)

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