Saturday, March 29, 2014

I finally saw the Red Wedding again

And I originally said it was a massive disappointment. I would like to revise that opinion slightly.

It was merely a disappointment.

The bits in Episode 10 belonged in Episode 9. (Especially since watching the Freys murder the entire Northern army kind of undid what Tywin said to Tyrion about murdering 10 men at dinner being no worse than 1,000 on the battlefield.)

I stand by my previous statement that the buildup was pathetic, as was the complete lack of identifiable secondary characters (Smalljon? Dacey Mormont? You know, people who actually killed a few of their attackers before being taken down?) As for the execution (heh) itself...

I take back some of the things I said about the size and scope of it. It was longer and bigger than I remembered it being, and I now believe that the majority of the blame for the massacre itself (rather than the complete lack of foreshadowing - a pale Dream!Catelyn shoving Bran out of a tree counts in no universe where telepathy doesn't exist) falls squarely on the head of the director.

Now, granted, it could have been worse if the hack who did Quantum of Solace was handed this, because then we wouldn't be able to tell what was going on at all, but as it is the edits are still too fast. I get the sense that he was trying to make things hectic and chaotic, but the quick cuts made it feel like he was pulling his punches.  And the music did not help at all. (The composer is generally better than I gave him credit for being in that original review, but this was not one of his finest moments.)

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