Friday, November 22, 2013

Somewhat tasteless post

Today's the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of JFK.

It's also the fiftieth anniversary of the day the Doctor Who team recorded "The Survivors," also known as Part 2 of The Daleks, the episode in which the Doctor and his companions meet the Daleks for the first time. The very first episode of Doctor Who would be broadcast the following day, so the actors were already a bit nervous, owing to obvious concerns about how well their new show would do. On top of that, they only found out that Kennedy had been shot about a few minutes before they started recording.

So if you watch that episode, note that the fear, nervousness and apprehension on their faces is not entirely fake.

If you're over the age of, say, 53, I apologize for trivializing your version of 9/11.

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