Friday, November 15, 2013

Night of the Doctor


Okay, don't get me wrong, I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see McGann back in action.

That doesn't mean that a single thing made sense. When you get right down to it, this is The Doctor becoming The War Doctor because he couldn't save a woman because she thought he was a War Doctor.

And yes, this means that the Valeyard has to pop up between Smith and Capaldi. And yes, it's a trap Moffatt has created all by his lonesome. And yes, I will judge him harshly for ignoring it.

See, having McGann back means that we could theoretically have dumped Hurt entirely and just done McGann as the Doctor Who Fought The Time War as everyone assumed before "The Name of the Doctor." But they decided not to do that. So, yes, from here on out, this blog will treat Hurt as 9, Eccleston as 10, Tennant as 11, Smith as 12, and Capaldi as 13.

See, the Morbius Doctors (gagahhglgafrab! What is it with Karn and non-"Doctor" Doctors?) could at least be handwaved away by saying they were previous Morbiuses, rather than pre-Hartnell Doctors. Just saying "oh, Hurt didn't call himself 'The Doctor,' so he doesn't count" doesn't frakking work.

So, yes, Steven Moffat, I expect to see the Valeyard this Christmas.

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