Monday, November 26, 2012

Omega pre-view



First of all, does anyone else think that room Aria's giving her speech in reminds them of that main gathering room from Alien 3?

(Second of all, I had to stop myself from calling her "Arya," which should tell you exactly where my mind is right now.)

One of the (many) things I found disappointing (but not game-breakingly bad) about Mass Effect 3 was the fact that Aria's sidequest was so unbelievably lame. That and the entirety of Act 2. For basically the same reasons, namely that you could dodge the tough moral choices by taking a third option.  (This is why I love Act 1 so much, because there was no happy ending. Either you screwed over the entire krogan species, or Mordin died.  Well, that, and you actually cared about these characters; I never cared about any of the geth - not even Legion, because they were so late to the party in Mass Effect 2, and the only quarian I cared about was Tali.  Well, her and Zaal'Koris.  And Reegar, but he died off-screen on me.)

Anyway, that whole sidequest was stupid. First you recruited the Blood Pack by walking into a room and triggering a cutscene.  Yippee.  Then you recruited Eclipse by either freeing their leader and then promptly shooting her, or by convincing her spineless second-in-command to let her rot. Then the Blue Suns guy wanted you to assassinate a guy who was always called Septimus in the first game but suddenly goes by Oraka now (okay, okay, he calls himself Septimus Oraka, once). But you can get around that by pinging some random mud-ball on the galaxy map.  Zzzz.  Yawn.  Boring.

So let me be clear about my expectations for Omega. I want Aria to launch herself gleefully off the slippery slope. And if you don't follow her, you get no war assets.  Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. In fact, you get less than none, because Aria decides to repay you with blood. Ideally, Shepard will meet some new, incredibly likeable character, someone the character and the player can easily bond with. This is BioWare, so it won't be that difficult. And then Aria will shoot that character in the back during the endgame. And in order for this whole thing to not have been a colossal waste of time, Shepard still needs to side with Aria. And they hate themselves for that.

Now you might be saying that paragons need to get something too.  Oi. You did all the legwork to get a huge krogan score, both the quarian and geth fleets, and every other little perk. Just once, I want a paragon option that completely blows up in your face. (And no, Kelly Chambers does not count.)

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