Friday, November 23, 2012

Elementary, Dear George

So I'm one book into A Song of Ice and Fire and already I think I know who Jon Snow's mother is. I'm probably wrong, but I'm saying this here so I can have bragging rights if I'm proved right. (Of course, a quick visit to A Wiki of Ice and Fire to look for one reference point tells me that I'm hardly alone in thinking this.)

So the primary reason Eddard Stark joined Robert's Rebellion is because Prince Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped Eddard's sister Lyanna.  He doesn't find her until the end of the war. In the meantime, King's Landing is sacked and Lord Tywin orders the brains bashed out of every Targaryen child he can find. Robert Baratheon is a-okay with this; Eddard is not. Throughout the book, we see that Eddard is unwilling to harm children (even bastards and Targaryens), and that he is willing to lie to save them.

When he finally finds Lyanna, she's dying on a bed of blood (and protected by three members of the Kingsguard) and makes Ned promise her something. Then Mr. Honor Before Reason shows back up at Winterfell with a bastard in tow, whom he raises as a member of his family, something that is traditionally not done.

So I'm thinking - and again, this is hardly an original theory, but I'm proud of myself for figuring it out on my own - that Jon is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.

Evidence against this theory: Bran and Jon both think in their POV chapters that Jon is Eddard's son. (But Eddard's POV chapters carefully avoid the topic.) The Appendix lists Jon as Eddard's son. (But the Appendix lies; see Aemon Targaryen.)

UPDATE: One other thing, probably circumstantial. Jon's is the only direwolf with white fur (hair). What color is Targaryen hair?

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