Monday, April 19, 2010

Raving and Drooling

Whenever my computer shuts down, it deletes all of its auto-fill-in thingymacwhatzits from the auto-fill-in gizmomabob field. This means that I have to re-learn entire web addresses every time my computer shuts down.

Oh, and my computer shuts down on average about once every 1.5 weeks because it has to finish installing automatic updates, which is another way of saying "raping my hard drive until there's absolutely no memory left for any more Iron Maiden songs."

I'm getting a new one this summer. And there will be much rejoicing.

(Why do I leave it on all the time? Because it takes about 15 minutes to boot up, that's why.)

Eagle-eyed readers will note that in between talk of hard-drive rape (rule 34! and no, I'm not going to look for it) and blatant hyperbole, I mentioned something about more Iron Maiden songs. No, I do not have a double-top-secret advance copy of the most retardedly-named Maiden album since Virtual XI (and if we're going with Dickinson-fronted material, that award goes to Somewhere in Time, which I must admit is actually better than it sounds). (Wait, how can a sound recording be better than it sounds? Answer: shut up.) I'm just embellishing my existing collection of all things Maiden, this time by adding the album with the most retarded cover. And because that one's a gimme, I'm not going to tell you non-metalheads which one it is. More relevant for this blog, of course, are the Doctor Who serials I ordered along with it in order to get super saver shipping (tm and all that nonsense). That's right, serials. The usual running price on Amazon is stonking high, but I found a few for less than $10 apiece and bought two of them. One is supposed to be one of the better ones of the Pertwee era. We'll see.

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