I love Vegas in the springtime.
I love Vegas in the fall.
I love Vegas for the creatures of the region.
I love Vegas like it's Caesar and I'm the Legion.
I love Vegas every moment,
Every moment of the year
I love Vegas, why oh why do I love Vegas?
Because my guns are here.
Speaking of guns, here's a Fallout New Vegas PSA: If you're like me and you like shooting things from as far away as humanly possible, you want to get your hands on a unique, overbuffed Varmint Rifle called the Ratslayer. Here's how to get it.
- Play the game normally until you get to Nipton.
- When you get to Nipton, enter the general store.
- Talk to Boxcars. As tempting as it may be, do not kill him.
- Ask about what happened. Then ask about the lottery.
- When the option comes up, ask about the slaves.
- Exit the conversation. Restrain the impulse to kill him.
- You'll receive a quest called "Booted." It will tell you to go to a specific Legion camp.
- Go to the camp and head east.
- You'll see a new location marker slightly to the north, but mostly east.
- Enter the Broc Flower Cave and follow the path to the right.
- If you're playing with the Wild Wasteland trait, enjoy the Princess Bride reference.
- The Ratslayer is in a room on a ledge at the end of the path, right in front of a table.
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