Friday, September 20, 2013

How f*cked is your favorite character in A Song of Ice and Fire?

Short answer: probably very.

Long answer... (Spoilers through the TWOW preview chapters)

Aeron Greyjoy
Don't know. Honestly don't care.

Areo Hotah
Has got to live as long as Doran does, simply because George doesn't like letting us see what the chessmasters are really up to. Of course, Doran is old for the setting, afflicted with gout, plotting treason, and probably about to get caught up in a Targaryen-Blackfyre war. Once he's gone there's no narrative purpose for Captain Axe to keep his head.

Arianne Martell
Cersei Lannister without the incest or the freaking awful reputation, and with (for the moment) a mentor figure you're heeding? Well, your odds are better than hers.  Really, she's likely to end up Sansa's opposite number.

Arya Stark
Arya Stark is dead meat.  In A Game of Thrones, chapter 26 (Jon IV), Jon mentions having a dream of him walking down a long empty hall, looking for someone.  "Most nights it's my father, but sometimes it's Robb instead, or my little sister Arya, or my uncle." Well, everyone else on that list is dead. Only a matter of time until Arya joins them.  Now you might be thinking that she'll survive because she's training to be an assassin and all... but a) her intentions were never pure to begin with, a b) she's cheating by warging.  Don't be surprised if that comes back to bite her later on.

Asha Greyjoy
I'm holding out hope that Asha, not the eunuch or the bull, is the main Greyjoy character. While she's in a slightly better position than Theon right now, she's got the following threats to deal with: Stannis, who wants to burn her brother alive; Ramsay; the Others (let's not forget, folks, that Wall is coming down, and Asha's in the North).  Still, she's the only intelligent Greyjoy not named Aeron, so that should give her a fighting chance. 

Ser Barristan Selmy
How this guy survived the end of ADWD when he's got Obi-Wan Life Insurance (and the political acumen of Ned Stark), I'll never know.  As awesome as he is, he's going down.

Bran Stark
Bran Stark is also dead meat.  See, Bloodraven is actually evil.  The Others know about the cave he lives in, but they don't invade?  Come on.  I won't be sorry to see him go, though; he's been slowing down the story's pace since his third chapter. Bran the Broken? More like Bran the Brakes.

Brienne of Tarth
Complicated. I don't believe she's a zombie, as some people seem to have interpreted the whole "aged ten years" line when she reappears in ADWD. That's a pretty sensible reaction to having someone eat half your face off and then nearly get hanged.  Besides, we know that zombies basically become obsessed with whatever they were doing when they died; zombifying Brienne wouldn't make her Stoneheart's ally, it would make her even more obsessed with finding Sansa Stark. So she's probably not a zombie. Now, if Jaime dies as a result of the trap she's leading him into, I could see her killing herself later on.  Assuming Jaime survives that encounter, I'd imagine Brienne will live.

Cersei Lannister
Dead. Dead dead dead. Best-case scenario for her: FrankenGregor wins her trial by combat and she somehow manages to wrest power away from the Tyrell-infested court. Guess who's going to be Target Number One when Daenerys Targaryen finally makes her way home?

Daenerys Targaryen
Let's be frank, if she dies, then it renders large chunks of every single book moot.  Also, she has to marry her nephew at the end.  (Because come on, his identity's been obvious since the first book. It's got to be important before the story ends.)

Davos Seaworth
I'll be entirely honest: given that he is completely absent from the final quarter of Storm, I had assumed Stannis executed him for that whole Edric Storm thing. Not holding out a lot of hope for the Onion Knight.

Jaime Lannister
Let's set the stage. You have no sword hand. You're being led into a trap. Even if you survive that, the fact that you and Cersei are the poster children for twincest is pretty much an open secret by this point, and Cersei has done a crap job keeping her reign secure. Even if you survive that, there's the whole bit where, y'know, Kingslayer, and that king's daughter has freaking dragons. ...So yeah, you're boned.

Jon Connington
Dude has greyscale. And is the POV character in the Blackfyre pretender's corner. Walking corpse.

Jon Snow
Is dead as of the end of ADWD. Ask me if you think that's gonna stick, especially since...

Is probably a zombie, probably will do to Jon what Beric Dondarrion did to Catelyn Stark. Alternatively, there's probably a big wildling/Night's Watch civil war erupting at Castle Black since Jon just got Ides of March'd, and she might catch a stray arrow after resurrecting Jon through slightly more normal means.

Samwell Tarly
Is the next Grand Maester and the guy who writes all this stuff down. (Oh come on! He's fat, has no physical prowess whatsoever, is really smart, and likes books. If he's not George R.R. Martin, I don't know who is.)

Sansa Stark
The good news is that a) Littlefinger still sees some value in you, and b) Daenerys isn't the type to punish you for the sins of your father. Especially since you're kinda-sorta related. The bad news is that a) Littlefinger is almost certainly going to rape her in the next book (rumors), and b) she still doesn't seem to be able to take care of herself. 

Theon Greyjoy/Reek
You've got to remember your name. Then you've got to remember your shame. Then you've got to remember that, with one exception, everyone within fifty leagues wants your head on a spike.

Tyrion Lannister
The only head of the dragon I'd say stands a chance of dying. After, y'know, orchestrating Dany's return singlehandedly after all her other backers have abandoned her for that Blackfyre pretender. That goes double if Jaime somehow survives; I only see one Lannister living, and it sure as hell ain't Caligula Cersei.

Victarion Greyjoy
Yawn. You're going to have four POV characters in Dany's camp pretty soon.  Yes, Barristan is dead meat, but come on, this pirate isn't marrying Dany. Her nephew is. No, not the Blackfyre pretender, the other one.

George R. R. Martin
I'll give you even odds he dies before finishing the final book, sadly. 

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