- Richard L. Jenkins is not to be referred to as "Private Deadmeat."
- Not allowed to refer to Avina as "Cortana."
- Not allowed to set up a betting pool on who will survive Virmire/the Suicide Mission
- Not allowed to draw inferences about Shepard's romance life based on who dies on Virmire
- Not allowed to leave Liara on Virmire.
- Not allowed to nuke Virmire from orbit, thus saving everyone.
- The secret key to defeating the Reapers is not in my pants
- Krogan regeneration does not work that way
- Not allowed to shoot the space monkeys
- Not allowed to point out that we could buy a new cruiser for what we're spending on Mako tires.
- Not allowed to make Tali hack the game so we can skip the one-minute cutscene before the Battlemaster fight on Therum.
- I am not a member of People For the Ethical Treatment of Space Monkeys
- Not allowed to call Garrus "Space-Batman." Batman has no points in Sniper Rifles.
- Not allowed to race-bait Navigator Pressly or Chief Williams.
- Not allowed to compare Chief Williams to a member of Terra Firma. Or Cerberus.
- Not allowed to gay-bait Lieutenant Alenko.
- Not allowed to refer to Lieutenant Alenko as "Carth."
- Not allowed to refer to Female Shepard as "Bastilla.
- Not allowed to call the Salarian Councilor "Quark." Or "Andrew Ryan."
- Not allowed to call Benezia "Troi."
- Not allowed to speculate on why the asari Councilor could easily recognize Benezia's voice.
- Not allowed to browse the extranet for photos of either the asari Councilor or Benezia during their Maiden phases. The Consort is fair game.
- There is no such thing as an asari's Iron Maiden phase.
- Not allowed to slip Shepard a pair of brass knuckles before the al-Jinali interview.
- Not allowed to encourage a debate on the ethics of the genophage. Especially one between Wrex and Garrus.
- Not allowed to follow everything Liara says with "also, she can kill you with her mind."
- "The complete Battlestar Galactica" is not an appropriate item for Tali to take back for her Pilgrimage.
- Not allowed to go hunt a Shifty Looking Cow with Wrex. Or anyone.
- Not allowed to try to get a threesome with Liara and the Consort.
- Renegade Points are not standard Galactic currency and I must not try to convince Shepard otherwise.
- Not allowed to recruit Conrad Verner, Gianna Parasini and Refund Guy into the "B-Team."
- Liara is about four times older than I am. I must never forget this.
- Wrex is at least ten times older than I am. I must never forget this.
- Never allowed to tell Wrex to "use his head" when Shepard forgot to bring a hacker.
- Turians are not "birds." They do not have "cat-faces" and their mandibles are not "cheap Hydralisk knockoffs."
- Not allowed to ask Tali how she changes armors without dying.
- Not allowed to ask Garrus or any other turian what those extra things on Saren's head are.
- The response to "keelah se'lai" is not "so say we all."
- Not allowed to hijack Peak 15's PA and broadcast music from Starship Troopers.
- Not allowed to suggest that Shepard nuke Peak 15 from orbit, because "it's the only way to be sure."
- The solution to the Thorian boss-fight is not "air-drop weed-whacker"
- "I was temporarily indoctrinated" is not an excuse for anything.
- Urdnot Wrex is to be addressed as "Wrex." Not "Dino-boy," "Snookums," "Turtle-head," or "Not-Worf."
- I am not allowed to request a transfer to an asari ship.
- Not allowed to set up a camera in Shepard's room right before we go to Ilos.
- Not allowed to tell Shepard that Tali wants to bump uglies. At least not until the sequel.
- Flamethrowers won't be invented until 2185. They therefore are not a solution to the Rachni problem.
- Not allowed to repeat the rumor about Ambassador Udina and the Consort.
- Not allowed to touch the lights. The Alliance obviously has a very good reason for keeping the interior of a warship so dark you can practically trip over your own console.
- Conrad Verner still does not have security clearance to come aboard.
- Not allowed to use "What would Jack do?" as a guide to my life choices.
- Not allowed to do anything Jack suggested that makes me giggle for more than five seconds. Also must report it to Shepard at once.
- Not allowed to lock Jack and Miranda in a storage locker in the hopes that a makeout session ensues.
- Not allowed contact with Jack. Period.
- Virtually every member of Shepard's team has a personal problem, and "just get over it" is not the solution.
- Jacob is not a secret Shadow Broker employee.
- That FENRIS mech did not "just follow me home."
- The condition of the Illusive Man's lungs and liver is none of my concern.
- Not allowed to touch the main gun. If I do, Garrus has to re-start all his calibrations and we'll never get to his loyalty mission.
- Not allowed to tell Grunt there's a scientist responsible for the genophage aboard.
- Zaeed is not "Human Garrus."
- Not allowed to ask Zaeed about his many distant relatives in Ferelden. Or a galaxy far, far away.
- Miranda is not "Space Morrigan." (Neither is Admiral Xen.)
- Not allowed to discuss whether quarians or batarians are the more racist caricature of Arabs.
- Not allowed to complain that no-one else gets the Shadow Strike ability but Kasumi.
- Not allowed to suggest shore leave on Aeia.
- Miranda's clothes are not appropriate for all body types.
- Not allowed to call Tali "Tali'Zorah vas Neema, fee fi fo Feema."
- It's "Kepral's syndrome," not "lung cancer." Also not "just an excuse to leave your shirt half-open."
- Samara suddenly acting very differently is none of my business.
- Jacob would not appreciate a copy of either Heart of Darkness or Lord of the Flies to help him get over his father's actions.
- Admiral Gerrel is not a thinly disguised clone of Tywin Lannister. Not in this universe, anyway.
- I am not the "guy in charge of flamethrowers."
- Not allowed to touch the heavy weapons.
- Not allowed to hack Shepard's alarm clock to say "ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL."
- Not allowed to hack Tali's alarm clock to play "All Along the Watchtower."
- Not allowed to ask Garrus, "Oh my God, what's wrong with your faaaaaaaaaaace?"
- Not allowed to steal Yeoman Chambers's stripper suit.
- Not allowed to have Tali hack into the Shadow Broker's terminals and dish out all that dirt on everyone.
- Not allowed to use the QEC for phone sex.
- I am not a Prothean in disguise. This mission is not all about my quest to avenge my people.
- Not allowed to place recording equipment in the starboard observation deck.
- Ardat-Yakshi are a real thing and not something the asari made up to stop us hitting on them.
- EDI is a tactical A.I. She is not an emissary from God. She most certainly does not live inside my head.
- Not allowed to call EDI "Kerrigan," either.
- Not allowed to suggest the Normandy needs life-pods in case it's ever disabled and attacked by Collectors while every single specialist is off-ship.
- Not allowed to ask Ken to say "I'm giving her all she's got!"
- Not allowed to joke that the Illusive Man doesn't need any more power because he's already the President.
- Not allowed to abandon the mission to cameo in Blasto 2.
- Not allowed to ever use the phrase, "if only we had the Mako..."
- Not allowed to complain that there's no Towers of Hanoi puzzle this time.
- We switched from heat-sinks to thermal clips for very good reasons. No need to point out the obvious shortcomings.
- It is more important for Shepard to know where the spare thermal clips are than to know where his towel is.
- I am not qualified to be Mordin's lab assistant. I am also not qualified to sing harmonies with Mordin.
- Not allowed to try to sleep with Aria.
- Not allowed to try to f*ck with Aria.
- Not allowed to call Legion "Locutus of Borg." Or "3PO." Or ask if that's a royal "we."
- Not allowed to ask Zaal'Koris about his ship's name.
- Not allowed to suggest Zaal'Koris transfer to the Iktomy.
- Not allowed to call Shepard "the Six-Billion Credit Man" after the events of Project Lazarus.
- Not allowed to call Shepard "TRON" or "Neo" after the events of Project Overlord.
- Not allowed to suggest Shepard "hit it and quit it."
- Not allowed to give Shepard relationship advice.
- Not allowed to feed Shepard's fish.
- "Zaeed did it first" is not an excuse.
- Not allowed to spread rumors that Tali reprogrammed Legion to be a sexbot.
- Not allowed to spread rumors that Kelly reprogrammed Legion to be a sexbot.
- Not allowed to nuke the Collector Base from orbit.
- Not allowed to ask Mordin to sing the Song That Never Ends.
- Just because the Reapers are here doesn't mean it's time to visit the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
- Still not allowed to call Shepard "TRON" or "Neo" after the geth server mission.
- Cannot bribe Matriarch Aethyta to say "Liara, I am your father."
- The location of the place where Spectres and their friends get boob jobs is privileged information.
- Not allowed to wonder aloud if Fem!Shep's into BDSM. All female civilians wear collars for some reason.
- Not allowed to encourage Javik to call humans "damn dirty apes."
- Not allowed to ask the Illusive Man "Oh my God, what's wrong with your faaaaaaace?" during the final confrontation.
- Not allowed to ask Lt. Cmdr. Williams exactly when/why she switched from distrusting aliens to distrusting human-centric organizations.
- Not allowed to call Williams/Alenko "that squadmate Shepard didn't kill on Virmire."
- Not allowed to drink anything Lt. Vega gives me.
- Still not allowed to give Conrad Verner access to the Normandy.
- Definitely not allowed to tell Conrad Verner about a certain apartment in the Silversun Strip.
- Not allowed to call Shepard's new apartment "The old Anderson-Sanders love nest."
- Not allowed to quote The Call of C'thulhu while we're hunting Leviathan.
- Not allowed to quote Dune while we're summoning Kalross.
- Not allowed to use the Cerberus research on Horizon to make one of the docile Husks slap itself over and over again while asking "why are you hitting yourself?"
- The M-7 Lancer and the M-8 Avenger look almost identical. I will never switch the labels on them.
- I am not allowed to create "Prothean Park."
- If Shepard tolerates Liara freaking out at seeing Huskified asari after neither Shepard nor Garrus freaked out over the Huskified humans and turians, then so will I.
- Not allowed to ask Javik which Reaper is the Prothean-Reaper.
- That Banshee labeled "Morinth" on Earth was a random glitch in the targeting system. I must never tell anyone about it.
- I am not Wreav's spy.
- Not allowed to point out that, if the genophage cure is sabotaged, the krogan will figure it out pretty damn quick.
- The correct answer to the question "Does this unit have a soul?" is not "Kill them all and let God sort it out."
- Not allowed to wonder why there are aliens on the Council if a Renegade Shepard took the Renegade ending to the first game.
- Not allowed to ask Kasumi to put cameras in Shepard's quarters right before the raid on Cronos Station.
- If the modifications Zaeed and Garrus make to Shepard's apartments violate OSHA, I will tell no-one. If they make me giggle, I will alert Shepard immediately.
- Not allowed to suggest Balak be made Admiral of Slamming Asteroids Into Reapers.
- Not allowed to poke around London looking for a blue phone box.
- Not allowed to tell Admiral Hackett to "Hack it out."
- Not allowed to ask to see Jack's N7 tattoo.
- Not allowed to scream "Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" during the relevant part of the Citadel mission.
- Not allowed to suggest Shepard and the clone just start making out.
- Not allowed to resurrect the clone for sex.
- Not allowed to resurrect the clone to add it to Conrad Verner's B-Team.
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