Sunday, June 23, 2013

Time for more photosnark

Cracked has another photoplasty contest, and that can only mean one thing.

Oh, joy. The topic is: "Images from the Inevitable Future of Celebrity Culture."

#21: We see a number of pictures and busts people with no talent but the ability to win national popularity contests in a room. Obama is represented by a lifelike statue for some reason.

#20: ...I might barf a little bit. There are probably people who would watch that.

#16: Is that what I think it is?  Yikes. Also eew.

#15: Wait, you mean there's not a Church of Hollywood already?  "Thou shalt not kill, except if the victim is an evil white male." "Thou shalt not keep and bear arms, but thou shalt pay through the nose to watch others use them in unbelievable situations." "Thou shalt not torrent."

#13: Welcome to Japan.

#12: Um. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is already a pretty obnoxious endorsement of celebrity culture. But yeah, take it up to 11 (see what I did there?) and make it totally tasteless.

#9: Congratulations. You have just raped my childhood more than the thought of handing Star Wars over to the guy who gave us the vapid Star Trek Into Darkness ever could. F*ck you.

#7: By the way: my children (in the horrific event that I ever breed) will never be allowed to date anyone named after a fictional character.

Well, those are the only ones worth commenting on. Until next time, I'm your host of hatred and snark.

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