Sunday, June 2, 2013

Doctor Smith's tenure is up

Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who at Christmas. Opinionated fanboy that I am, I'm weighing in on that.

1) The next Doctor should be older. As in, 40. Minimum. Tennant and Smith have both been excitable young nerds with goofy hair. It's time to hide the TARDIS's espresso machine and give us a different Doctor.

2) The Doctor-companion romance should be... left intact, so everybody who ships 10/Rose can feel as uncomfortable about the implications as I do? Hey, we're not ageists here, and it's not like looks matter... but it's okay for a 900-year-old to date a 20something-pretending-to-be-a-teenager so long as he looks like he's kinda sorta in her ballpark agewise, and only if he's kinda sorta in her ballpark agewise?  No, as fun a deconstruction as it would be to force that on the Tennant fangirls, I have to say that if they gave me the reins of Doctor Who, I'd put the kibosh on the Doctor snogging everyone. Remember City of Death, the greatest serial ever made? The Doctor actually said the line, "You're a very beautiful woman, probably."  He's an alien. He's the closest thing to a god in the Whoniverse. To put it bluntly, if you scoff at Twilight fangirls but ship the Doctor with anyone (except another Time Lord), you are a massive hypocrite.

3) There should be more cameos by Game of Thrones cast members because it's funny to see Viserys Targaryen's buddy bully Jojen Reed.

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