Sunday, September 9, 2012

ME1 insanity, part 3

In which Bring Down the Sky and Virmire were completed.

Even though the Mako's cannon sucks on higher difficulty, its shields are strong enough for you to just drive past most of the enemies on Virmire. (And I'm Level 57 by this point, so I give exactly no fraks about experience.)

Enemies are getting smarter and spamming Damping on me. This is, as a certain salarian said, problematic.

There were two fights in Bring Down the Sky that were exceedingly tedious on Insanity: the second bunker (where a bunch of rocket drones come out to attack you one at a time), and the initial fight inside the main compound (because the enemies kept spawning on the other side of the stage, I guess).

In contrast, the krogan rush at the end of Virmire (immediately after Endangered Human Squadmate #1 calls for help, you're funneled into this long hallway with a few geth and three krogan at the other end) was fun, because I had a Singularity that expires only a second or so before it re-charges. And I had Liara with me for this part. So we just tied everyone up at the far end by using Throw followed by Singularity, and let Garrus slowly grind them down.

(I can understand why every power gets the same recharge meter in the sequels; it's kind of bizzare to be able to create an artificial black hole, yank enemies off their feet, put an enemy in stasis, and hurtle a squad of baddies across the room all in the span of about three seconds. That said, there's less reason to use different powers in 2 and 3 when Group Pull, followed by Unstable Warp, takes care of just about everything.)

Fighting Saren on his hover-glider as an Adept (with Liara in your squad) can be annoying, since he's immune to most biotic powers. Well, he ain't immune to Warp or Stasis. (And I took the "murder enemies while they're still in Stasis" class evolution, because I'm just a monster.)

Still, I'm having too easy a time of this (and completing BDtS again gave me Colossus X armor, so between that and my recharges-before-it-expires barrier, I am invincible now). May need to do another Insanity runthrough as a different class. Or Insanity on ME2 as an Adept. No wait, I actually like my life.

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