Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Further Unanswered Questions from Doctor Who Season 6/32

1: Why did the TARDIS explode?
At the end of Season 5/31, there was really only one question: why did the TARDIS asplode? We still don't know. But now there are more questions we don't have the answers to.

2: Why River Song?
The suit appears to have a mind of its own. River says that the suit is going to kill the Doctor, and that she just happens to be in it. Why do they need River if they have a spacesuit? Did they put the kid-River in the suit to give her an exoskeleton to duel the Doctor to the death in hand-to-hand combat? Did the suit somehow get isomorphically bonded to her so that only she can use it? It seems like the suit has the ability to just walk around by itself. So why do they need River at all?

3: Why the 1960s?
Given that the Silence from the future (I'm assuming Demon's Run is in the future, or at the very least in 2011) have to know about the fact that the Doctor kicked their collective asses back in 1969 on Earth, I would think that the very last place they'd raise their secret Doctor-killing weapon would be... 1969 on Earth!! Was the plan for kid-River to kill the Doctor before he foiled their plan? Wouldn't that put a big hole in the timeline and let the Clock Roaches in?

4: Who is Kovarian?
Who is Madame Kovarian, where and when does she come from, and why is she working with the Silence? If she's from after 1969, why is she not programmed to kill the Silence on sight? If she's from the future, what's she doing in that bubble Universe? For that matter, how did Alt-Pond capture her so easily?

5: Why isn't River programmed to kill the Silence on sight?
If River studied the Doctor, including eyewitness testimony from 2011 (which would again suggest that Kovarian and Demon's Run are from 2011 at the very earliest), and she knows all about him, then she knows how he beat the Silence. Naturally she'd shut her face about it during "Day of the Moon," because of spoilaaaaaaahs, but still she'd have to have seen the moon landing tape at some point. And everyone who's seen the moon landing tape is programmed to kill the Silence on sight.

6: How come Amy knew everything in the bubble universe, but Rory didn't?
Alt-Pond knows just about everything about the Doctor. Is this because he frakked with her head when she was five? And she somehow remembers that in an alternate universe where time is screwy. But Rory doesn't. Amy is somehow special, because she can always bend time and make causality her bitch. Is this ever going to be explained?

7: When will River learn the Doctor's name?
We thought we had an answer, but unless the Doctor's name is "Lookinmyeye," we don't. Now look, I certainly don't want to learn the Doctor's name. We've gone nearly 50 years without it. We don't need it. It won't add anything. It'll be like finding out what was in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction. But since River knows the Doctor's name by the time she gets to the Library, he's got to have told her at some point. (And furthermore, did River have any adventures with the Tenth Doctor before/after the Library? We're not likely to get an answer, but I'm guessing it's "yes," given that Eleven seems to know the routine the first/last time he meets her.)

8: Is River going to get a proper sendoff?
Are we going to see the Doctor and River's last date, where he gives her his clapped-out screwdriver (which she somehow smuggles past the guards at Stormcage, or maybe she's out by then)? Or is this basically what constitutes the end of her journey?

9: Are Amy and Rory going to get a proper sendoff?
As far as I know, they're done and a new companion is coming in next year, because nobody since Tegan has done three years. Is that it? Was "The God Complex" really their big goodbye scene, with "Wedding" as some sort of odd addendum?

10: Did/will River have any adventures with any Doctors who were not numbers Ten and Eleven?
Again, probably not. But she's got a spotter's guide as of "The Time of Angels," which suggests that she knows what they all look like.

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