Thursday, October 13, 2011

10 reasons why it would suck to live aboard the Battlestar Galactica

I adore that show, but I don't think I'd like to live there. Here's why.

10) Almost everyone you care about is dead. You will now spend the next 4 years cooped up in a metal box with people you hate.

9) Rule of law replaced by a joint dictatorship comprised of a tired old man and a former schoolteacher who slowly becomes a tyrant. Often times they'll make stupid decisions, like wasting half the fleet's fuel looking for Starbuck, or not bothering to court-martial the guy who just cost humanity half their firepower (good job, Apollo) or the other guy who just sabotaged the plan to win the war (thanks for that, Helo). Even when it functions properly, a former terrorist is trying to undermine it for his own ends. At various times, said joint dictatorship replaced by an insane Admiral, a drunk XO, a terrorist-turned-demagogue (and his idealistic, one-legged co-mutineer), or the guy who can't stop talking to his imaginary girlfriend and is partially responsible for #10.

8) Said joint dictatorship takes the better part of four years to realize that the old political system doesn't work anymore - and in the meantime, we have to suffer through President Baltar, Vice-President Zarek, and half a dozen minor political crises. Issues that were once limited just to the Gemenons or the Sagittarons suddenly become fleet-wide issues. In short, the death of federalism (which in turn leads to the rise of demagogues like Zarek).

7) Realization that you're stuck with 24,000 moronic fraks who voted for President Baltar.

6) Algae for breakfast, algae for lunch, algae with a side order of algae and algae on top for dinner.

5) Slave labor. Even if they do compensate you, what are you going to buy? The only things the fleet seems to produce are munitions, booze, and suits (I don't think Apollo or Zarek brought theirs with them). Oh, and peg-legs.

4) 1 in 5 odds you'll die before you reach Earth. (50,293 down to 38K and change by the end.)

3) ...and if you do get to Earth, they outlaw technology. Goodbye, sanitation.

2) Your best friend might be a Cylon.

1) You might be a Cylon. Madam President hasn't fulfilled her airlocking quota this year.

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