Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thought for the day

David Brooks, a man I can't claim to have agreed with often since, oh, the 2008 election cycle began, seems to have realized that our President is not in fact the moderate some people evidently thought he ran as:

"The only thing more scary [sic] than Obama’s experiment is the thought that it might fail and the political power will swing over to a Republican Party that is currently unfit to wield it.”

Well, the Russians could load a bunch of balloons with some sort of zombie plague virus, float them over the Pacific, and infect us all - I'd say that that would qualify as being scarier than either.

Anyway, a number of prominent conservatives are denouncing Brooks' jab at the Republicans - but this time, I'm gonna say that Brooks is right on. The party is fractured and, at the moment, totally unfit to lead. The Republicans are in danger of becoming Democrat Lite, and if that happens, you can expect my dream of a three-party system to come true: Democrats, rushing further and further left, Republicans, teetering on the center, and finally a new party, made up of conservative diehards disgusted by the path the Republicans are taking.

Fact of the matter is, America needs an opposition party. Primarily so that the party in charge doesn't get too power drunk, ignore the will of the people, and eventually end up declaring bunnies to be a national security threat. Republicans, agree with them or not, need to get their act together.

And now, in addition to Russian plague balloons, here is a list of things scarier than the thought of a fractured and incompetent party returning to power:

Congress passing a law that declares money obsolete.

Dying alone, never knowing true love.

Domestic terrorism in the US on a scale that puts Gaza to shame.

The Hadron Collider killing us all because somebody forgot to carry a 2 (see the retards-in-power scenario above).

The Internet just abruptly shutting down forever.

James Buchanan, Herbert Hoover, Jimmy Carter, or George W. Bush somehow becoming President again (hat tip Tom).

Nancy Pelosi or Dick Cheney ever becoming President.

Metallica going back to their Load-era "style."

The implementation of a state religion (hat tip Tom).

Athiests being right, and there being absolutely nothing after we die.

Sexual impotence (duh).

A world without any/all of the following (i.e, they never existed): Doctor Who, Star Wars (the original trilogy), the United States Constitution, Led Zeppelin, deodorant, Lord of the Rings, Arthur C. Clarke, love, morality, indoor plumbing, freedom of speech, shoes, Monty Python, cheeseburgers, positive role models, and free will.

Hell being a small room full of your ex-girl/boyfriends.

Quentin Tarantino renouncing Pulp Fiction and dedicating his career to making documentaries.

Another Godd*mn Twilight book.

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