Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Some Musings on the DCCU

1. Zack Snyder was a really weird choice to lead this up
Especially coming off of Sucker Punch, both because it was a "flop" (I've noticed this word suddenly has no consistent meaning in the wake of The SJW Campaign To Prop Up The Corpse Of Fake Ghostbusters By Shitting On Suicide Squad, but I digress - and, FWIW, Fake Ghostbusters was marginally more successful less of a box office disaster than Sucker Punch) and because it's his most un-commercial film, ever. What, did the "White Rabbit" sequence really just floor the studio execs. or did they think that While He Raped Me, I Closed My Eyes And Went To My Happy Place, The Movie could steal a chunk of Marvel's Underpants Brigade's audience?

2. Having picked Snyder, the studio then kneecapped him
There is near-unanimous agreement that the extended/director's/ultimate cuts of Watchmen, Sucker Punch, and now Dawn of Justice are better than the theatrical versions. In other words, get this, people are more receptive to something approximating Snyder's original vision rather than the watered-down version the studio and censors approve of. And yet Warner Brothers still forced him to carve out thirty minutes of plot-hole-patching from Dawn of Justice. When will they learn? Snyder is a controversial pick, yes, but by picking him you've chosen to pander to the Snyder-supporters and Snyder-curious* at the expense of the Snyder-loathers. Don't backtrack on that now and alienate his fans by watering down his vision. You chose Snyder to helm your five-years-too-late rival to Marvel's Underpants Brigade. Either get out of the way and let him do his thing, or bring in a more conventional director to run the show.

*Which of these camps am I in? Dunno: I thought 300 was okay, ish, Watchmen was good, Sucker Punch was deranged and demented and totally inaccessible to a casual audience (read: my parents) but also psychotically brilliant, Man of Steel was sh*t, and Dawn of Justice was okay, ish. Since my favorite Snyder film - Sucker Punch** - is also the Snyder-iest Snyder film, does that make me a Snyder-supporter even though the rest of his output averages out to about "meh?"

**Look, it gets in your head and makes you analyze it, and besides the soundtrack is killer, all right? That film is pure thought-bait for someone like me, did you see the incoherent mess that my review was? (N.B., I do not stand by everything I wrote in that review; I wrote it when I'd only half-figured out the film and never wrote a follow-up. That "review" is literally me piecing my day-after-watching thoughts on the film together on the page in real time.) Don't judge me.

3. Unless they fire/demote Snyder, they're probably going down in flames
Tainted goods at this point.

4. If they do fire/demote Snyder, Wonder Woman is probably going to be sh*t.
Because look at the premise and tell me it couldn't easily be a steaming pile of Fake Ghostbusters-esque feminist crap.

5. They are f*cked.
Oh well.

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