Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Dear my friends on the right: I do not care how long Freddy Gray's rap sheet was. This is America, not Putin's Russia, not Iran, not North Korea. Even if Freddy Gray was the fucking Boston Bomber, I'd have a problem if he just keeled over and died in police custody. That is not how our system is supposed to work.

Dear my friends on the left: Everything Else.

Let's start at the top, with Dear Leader, People's President, Comrade Citizen Barack Hussein Obama. He has a history of a) flagrantly breaking the law, and b) ginning up racial tension to cover his ass.

Those are facts. Period. If you think this Administration is the epitome of lawfulness, then you have not been paying attention.

This is a man who has convinced his followers that racism is the only reason to oppose him. When Republicans* held up the nomination of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Democrats proclaimed loudly that the only reason to block Eric-Holder-In-A-Skirt was racism. Or sexism. Or sexist racism. Whatever.

*actually not at all what happened, but for the sake of the argument let's pretend it is.

So you have a "president" who switches between daring his spineless opponents to impeach him and having his court jesters squeal "racism!" whenever a momentary obstruction to his agenda appears. The man who promised to heal the country's racial wounds (inflicted, as I recall, exclusively by Democrats) instead hid behind the color of his skin.

Is it any wonder that the idiot masses who elected him twice should choose to follow in his example?

Then you have the "mayor" of Baltimore (also a Democrat), who evidently told the cops to stand down and give the rioters "space to destroy." That was brilliant, because of course why should anyone expect the government to keep them safe? That's not one of the few legitimate functions of any coercive agency, after all.

And then there are the rioters themselves.

Ferguson was, like the Trayvon Martin case, based on mythology. All of the credible evidence indicated that the shooter in both cases acted in self-defense, and both men were properly acquitted. In Ferguson, Democrats rioted immediately after the shooting, and they rioted again when the facts turned out to not fit their narrative.

In Baltimore, again, they didn't bother waiting before they started to burn the city. This despite the fact that, really, anyone with a brain stem can tell that "died in police custody" is a bit different than "may have died charging a police officer." There's no self-defense claim here. Like the Democrats, I expect heads to roll. Unlike the Democrats, I didn't mean literally.

But of course, the Democrats, from the "president" on down, do not care for such outdated concepts as the rule of law. No point in waiting for the facts to come in or a verdict to come down before we run out and grab as much free stuff as we can and burn the rest.

I wouldn't begrudge you your delusions except for the fact that I have to live in the world you built. Thanks a lot.

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