Monday, January 27, 2014

A Goldfinger liveblog

As you may have guessed, I think modern pop-culture is a bunch of self-indulgent tripe.  So here, on this blog that very few people read, I shall post a transcript of the notes I took while watching Goldfinger during last night's Grammys. 

The opening: Bond blows up a heroin factory in the middle of nowhere.  Then he meets a chick of questionable loyalty and kills a bad guy by electrocuting him.  Foreshadowing!

Credits.  Shirley Bassey.  Gold…fing-aaaah!  Too bad the rest of the lyrics are rubbish.  True story: that’s actually That Random Ho From The Pool Scene covered in gold paint in the titles, rather than Disposable Wench #1.  Hey, this is a film with a character named “Pussy Galore.” I honestly think I’m being more respectful with the names I give them.

Speaking of respecting women, we rejoin Bond at the pool, where he gives That Random Ho From The Pool a smack on the bum.  I say, this James Bond chap wouldn’t be too far out of place on that Mad Men show, would he?  Felix Leiter is played by some guy who is not Jack Lord.  Oh My God They Have Recast Felix Leiter James Bond Is Ruined Forever. 

Goldfinger enters.  True story: all of Gert Frobe’s dialogue was redubbed in post by somebody else.  We know he’s a bad guy because he cheats at cards and employs suspiciously beautiful women.  Case in point, Disposable Wench #1, spying on Goldie’s opponent’s hand for him.  Is that underwear or a bikini?  Must get Blu-Ray version to be absolutely sure.

Bond and Disposable Wench #1 are in bed.  Surprisingly, Wench #1 is wearing more clothes than she was the first time we saw her.  Bond insults the Beatles (this is where hacks point out that McCartney did the title song as soon as Connery bolted for good; meanwhile, I, being totally not a hack, will point you to this instead), and gets bumped over the head.  When he comes to, Disposable Wench #1 has become Pretty Corpse #1.  Oh My God A Bond Girl Died, James Bond Has Been Ruined Forever.  When Bond calls Felix, Felix reminds us of That Random Ho From The Pool Scene.  Glad she was an important contribution to this film.

Then there’s scientific malarkey about skin suffocation that mythbusters has already gone to town on.  Bond and M snark at each other because this is a Bond Film and that is What They Do.  Bond and Moneypenny flirt; see previous sentence. 

Then they have lunch with that guy from the train in A Hard Day’s Night (again, see the Beatles quip above).  We have a lecture about gold and the value thereof.  This is a clever scene inasmuch as Goldfinger’s scheme revolves around changing the price of his own gold. 

Q’s lab!  We get to see it for the first time, and for the last time until For Your Eyes Only.  (We see various field labs in the meantime, but not the main one.)  And the Aston Martin DB5!  This scene is iconic and I can’t snark over it too much, except to point out that Connery and Craig both got tracking devices and drove an Aston Martin with an ejector seat in their third firms.  Totally Different From The Old Formula, our boy Craig. 

By the way, true story: the DB5’s special features were designed by John Stears, who later built the Death Star.

Bond goes golfing with Goldfinger.  Now we know Goldie’s a bad guy because he cheats at golf.  As if we didn’t already know he was a bad guy because he cheats at cards.  But Bond is also cheating at golf, so are we supposed to think he’s the good guy here?  I mean he was standing on the dude’s ball for at least part of that search.  That is not a euphemism. 

The game ends and Goldfinger makes Oddjob decapitate a statue.  Hey, you know what Jaws did in his first two appearances in The Spy Who Loved Me?  He f*cking murdered people.  He didn’t decapitate statutes.  Oddjob would make a better Doctor Who companion than a Bond henchman.

Off in Switzerland.  The production team scopes out locations for On Her Majesty’s Secret Service while Bond and a Lady tail Goldfinger.  On an improbably turn-filled mountain road, the Lady takes a potshot at Goldfinger but, this being a Connery film and she being a female, she is of course an absolute crap shot.  (And don’t tell me that she was a crap shot in the book; they don’t need to adapt everything directly from the books, and if they had there would have been a global race war in 1973.) 

He uses the spiky wheels from Ben-Hur to wreck her car and then offers her a lift after spouting one of the worst puns in a Connery film.  (Watch it yourself.)  He gives her a lift and at the end of it her underwear is (presumably) still on.  I say, this James Bond chap isn’t quite the sex puma he was made out to be, is he?  At any rate, having exchanged words if not fluids with Bond, the Lady now becomes Disposable Wench #2. 

Bond follows Goldfinger to his metalworks shoppe.  He overhears a line about “Operation Grand Slam” and the music buts in to let us know it’s important. On the way back he runs into Disposable Woman #2.  Filler ensues.  A car goes over a cliff and explodes, hey they did that in Dr. No, Oh My God This Series Is Already Out Of Ideas James Bond Is Ruined Forever.  Further filler, and Disposable Woman #2 dies largely because Bond took a wrong turn.  She is bitch-slapped to death by Oddjob’s hat.  Then there’s another chase scene.  The ejection seat happens.  The Aston Martin gets to shine.  It is iconic.  Its windscreen is bulletproof (Q couldn’t put that feature on the DBS, could he?)

Then the crotch-laser scene.  It, also, is iconic.  Bond is shot with a tranquilizer and wakes up staring into the face of That Chick Off The Avengers No Not Emma Peel The Other One.  Emma Peel will be along later, but in the one with Lazenby, so nobody remembers that (alas).  Anyway, Cathy Gale.  Voice like Janeway’s, alas.  That and her character’s name are enough to bar her from the Top Five Bond Girl list.  Bond tries to turn on the charm, but she’s “immune,” because this is 1964 and they can’t say “lesbian.”  That attache case from From Russia With Love got written out so Bond can’t get his knife, which honestly probably wouldn’t help too much against Oddjob’s hat.

We find out that Goldfinger’s private jet has a bathroom with a zillion peepholes (ew), and that Cathy Gale is in charge of an outfit called Pussy Galore’s Flying Circus.  Made up entirely of ambiguously lesbian pilots.  Makes Monty Python’s thing look like a cheap knockoff, dunnit.

Bond tries to hit on Gale-ore, but he stops as soon as Oddjob enters the frame.  Not “as soon as he catches sight of Oddjob,” which has to be sometime before.  Ah the magic of cinema.  Things not on the screen don’t exist.

Hick music!  We must be in the Former Confederacy.  Bond is thrown into a cell, and there’s a bit of clever visual humor as he heads off for the stables only to be directed towards the basement. 

Then we see Goldfinger’s rec room.  A lot of people praise Ken Adam for his Fort Knox set, but I for one would rather have this room.  Goldilocks shows off his plan to a bunch of gangsters.  Bond catches the tail end of it, having psychologically manipulated somebody (a guard) for the last time until Licence to Kill.  Apparently the plan involves having Pussy spray someth- okay no I can’t finish that joke.  Gale-ore’s Flying Circus will shower the area with gas.  (As a side note, I’d like to point out that Bond keeps saying her name almost like it’s “Percy.” Even Connery’s embarrassed by this.

Then Goldfinger, a man played by a former member of the Nazi Party who used his credentials to help Jews escape the Holocaust, starts gassing people to death.  I don’t have a joke for that, so I’ll move on.

Mr. Solo has a pressing engagement and John Barry gets to fill time by rearranging the “Goldfinger” theme.  (If George Martin – the Beatles producer, not the long-winded writer – had done the same thing for Live and Let Die, maybe the boat chase wouldn’t seem as tedious.  In the interest of science I have watched the boat chase while listening to cues from various soundtracks.  Science says it’s still about ten hours too long.)

The car is destroyed and nobody wonders why Goldfinger didn’t bother taking the gold out before he did that.  Back at the ranch, Bond explains what everyone who read the book noticed: that Goldilocks can’t possibly take all the gold out of Fort Knox in the scant minutes he’ll have.  (Removing gold from things seems to be an ongoing problem for Goldilocks.)  But Goldfinger has noticed the exact same problem and has come up with a novel solution: nuclear fire.

Gale-ore returns with a new outfit and Oh My God I Can See All Of Her Cleavage.  She tries doing judo on Bond and meets with some success, because she is Cathy Gale, but she ultimately loses because he is James Bond.  And then there’s awkward rapey stuff.  But it’s okay because it’s the sixties and he’s Sean Connery – not quite yet The Sean Connery Who Is James Bond, but awfully darn close – and it turns out Gale-ore isn’t a lesbian after all.

Then we get one of John Barry’s best performances – it’s up there with “OHMSS” and a lot of The Living Daylights.  The Flying Circus comes to town, but it’s the soldiers who get to entertain with their Synchronized Falling Down. And Oh My God They Have Killed Felix Leiter James Bond Is Ruined Forever.  A laser demonstrates its curious inability to drill in a straight line.  True story: technology is not as impressive as Hollywood pretends it is.

Into Fort Knox, Bond gets handcuffed to the bomb, setpiece, setpiece.  We know how it ends.  Looks nice though.  The sets I mean.  Not the fight with Oddjob; and they say Moore’s fights look unbelievable.  I like how Oddjob doesn’t care one jot that he’s been left to be irradiated.  Goldfinger’s decision to wear a military uniform under his coat demonstrates remarkable foresight.  Entirely not sure why the army troops think this oddly-accented fat man is their commander.  Or how he figures out Gale-ore betrayed him.  Or why she doesn’t just fly him right into the middle of an army formation.  And why does Goldfinger have a golden pistol?  He is not the man with the golden gun, James Bond Is Ruined Forever.

Bomb ends on seven but then there’s a line about three more seconds.  Poor editing, that.  I blame Peter Hunt, cuz obviously he’s responsible for everything that went wrong with the first six films, why else fire him after OHMSS?* 

Final bit where the assumed-defeated villain turns up again but gets sucked out a window that’s obviously too small for him in this film with a bit of a lesbian subtext.  No, not Alien Resurrection, but thanks for asking.  Bond and the Bond Girl have sex because that’s how all these movies end, roll credits.  James Bond will return in Scuba Doll.  

(Thunderball will get a proper 2014 Bondathon Review this weekend, promise.  I'll even post an explanation for why it was delayed from last weekend somewhere in the review.  For once there's a good reason.)

*This is intense sarcasm.  Hunt’s departure from the series results in a massive drop in quality.

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