Monday, January 23, 2012

The top 5 most undignified, anticlimatic deaths in science fiction


Dishonorable mentions:
Kara "Starbuck" Thrace (2nd time) and the Fourth Doctor. But this list is already overdosed with crappy Doctor deaths, and Starbuck at least got a very moving (if slightly unbelievable) death scene the first time she died. (As much as I revere Ron Moore, he's responsible for two deaths that make the list in addition to Starbuck's dishonorable mention. Ouch. On the plus side, he's also got an honorable mention and a solid entry on the "good death" list.)

5) Sam Anders
I know this one is going to be controversial. Or at least it would if anyone read this blog. I love Battlestar Galactica as much as the next nerd, but this was painful to watch.

It wasn't the death itself (which occurs just offscreen, as the most beautiful rendition of the original Battlestar theme Bear McCreary ever arranged plays) that bugs me about our favorite Pyramid-player-turned-resistance-fighter-slash-Final-Five-Cylon's demise. It's everything that led up to it. Sam was randomly shot in the head during a mutiny, spouted off the biggest infodump in the show's history, and then turned into a vegetable.

I know this plot was invented at the last minute because Michael Trucco was nearly killed in a car crash during the writers' strike, but... badass Sam Anders got randomly shot and turned into a vegetable. Then they stuck him in a tank and made him fly a ship into the sun. Not cool.

4) Boba Fett
He's not higher on this list because he's more popular with the Star Wars fanboys who take every single Star Wars novel as canon, in which case this death doesn't even count.

So a blind Han Solo accidentally whacks Boba's jetpack, causing him to rocket headfirst into the sail barge and fall into a giant ahem in the sand. Talk about your accidental discharges.

3) The Seventh Doctor
The cleverest Time Lord who ever lived doesn't bother to check his scanner before he steps out of the TARDIS into a hail of gunfire. Then he dies on the operating table because his doctor's too stupid to figure out he has two hearts. Amazingly, Sylvester McCoy started his run on Who on an even worse note...

2) The Sixth Doctor
The Sixth Doctor was certainly unpopular, but... the TARDIS gets shot down, he bangs his head on the console, he dies. Colin Baker refused to return for a proper regeneration story (not that anybody blames him), so we got this turd of a death instead.

1) Captain James T. Kirk
"Bridge on the Captain."

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