Wednesday, December 21, 2011

People who annoy me:

People who ask "have you no decency" when they have none themselves.

People who say "I'm sick of you questioning my patriotism," when they have none.

People who say "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" when they have none.

People who insist on "tolerance" when they have none.

People who insist that one group of people must "learn to live within their means" while enabling another group to do the exact opposite.

People who "invest in the future" by borrowing money from it.

People who took their iPods to Occupy Wall Street.

People who tout "triumphs of democracy" over the rule of law, at any point in America since Reconstruction.

Republicans who vote to increase spending (I would say all politicians, but come on, hating a Democrat for increasing spending is like hating rain for being wet).

People who tailgate, people who slow down to see the car wreck, and people who stay in a merging lane well after the time to merge.

People who ask me to take stupid online quizzes.

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