Tuesday, May 31, 2011

An explanation

Yes, this blog is called the Daily Dose of Dirty Deeds, and yes, the word "Daily" is most definitely a lie. Usually this is due to either laziness or writers' block, but since I've gotten back from college my internet has been mostly nonexistent.

And with Doctor Who on break this week (for the American audience, at any rate), and with its big summer hiatus coming up, I'm going to broaden my horizons in terms of episode reviews. I started working on Dollhouse reviews a long time ago, but frankly, despite its strong second season, it still seems like the ugly duckling of the Whedon shows for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. Bottom line on that is, they'll come, one day, but not anytime soon.

Before I saw a little something called City of Death, my favorite sci-fi show was Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It's certainly the only one of the post-TNG shows that has any serious merit. As a point of massive irony, back when I saw television shows as these episodic, self-contained adventures a la TNG, I was hesitant to approach Voyager because I thought it would be too continuity-heavy. As if. Of course, if Voyager had actually stayed true to its remit... well, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Anyway, City of Death turned me on to Doctor Who, both the old and new series. I found out New Who was heavily influenced by Buffy, which encouraged me to check out all of Joss Whedon's shows. After burning through Buffy and Angel, I moved on to Firefly, eager to see how my newest hero would do science fiction.

And of course I was completely blown away. By now continuity had become second nature to me, and instead of thinking of a season as 22 45-minute films, I thought of a season as one super-extra-long film (DS9's arcs in its last few seasons probably helped). But with all the clever writing, I felt on some level - not that I could put my finger on it - that something was missing. Perhaps because I'm so obsessed with Doctor Who, I never thought about what could be done in a show with the tone of DS9 and the style of Firefly...

...yeah, I finally got around to starting in on Battlestar Galactica.

So what's coming up in the near future is: a few classic Who Reviews, maybe a Buffy episode or two, and then I'll start in on the first season of BSG. Stay tuned; if my internet holds up, I really will be on every day this week.

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