Thursday, May 5, 2011

3 things Obama has done recently that I agree with

For my 300th post, I thought I'd do something completely different. I'm not a big fan of the statist in the White House, but hey, that's democracy for you. Nevertheless, the President has recently done three things I wholeheartedly agree with.

1) Released his birth certificate.

About damn time, in my opinion. What, did it take him three years to mock up a passable fake? No, I kid, the evidence is there, he was born in America, drop the issue. Now that the matter of his legitimacy is no longer an issue, we can actually start criticizing his actual policies. On top of that, it makes Trump look like an attention-grabbing blowhard.

2) Gave the "kill" order.

Yes, the story is ever changing. Osama had a weapon. He used his wife as a human shield. Or not. Whatever. Why they need to hide behind self-defense jargon is beyond me. The man was evil and had to be put down. No matter how little else President Obama did, he still deserves credit for sparing us a lengthy media circus and trial, and instead giving the go-ahead to just shoot the bastard.

3) Won't release the death photos.

Because releasing the photos worked so well with Che. You want proof that Satan's Little Helper is dead? See if any more of his little vlogs turn up. (Note: if he flip-flops on the death photo issue, call him out on it.)

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