Thursday, January 28, 2021

All Shall Rot: The 9th Edition Death Guard Codex

In general

  • Inexorable Advance means everything that has Malicious Volleys always shoots twice. Hahahahahaha this game is so broken.
  • We have lost Death to the False Emperor ability. We have lost the Veterans of the Long War stratagem. Boooooooo!
    • To be fair, there's a virtually army-wide +1A to make up for DttFE, and basically everything forces a -1T on nearby enemy units, so it's a bit like getting VotLW for free.
  • Basically everything forces a -1T on nearby enemy units. 
  • Disgustingly Resilient is now -1D, rather than 5+ FNP. Combine this with T5 and nobody will risk overcharging plasma on you. Plus side, the second wound means you don't die in one plasma hit, period.
  • "Foetid Virion" detachment rule means the Elites characters (Blightbringer, etc) don't fill up detachment slots as fast (it's now 3 for 1) but you can't double up on characters (actually not clear whether this means no double characters in each group of three, or no double characters in a detachment - I assume the former from the way it's worded, but expect this to be FAQ'd). Which is too bad because you probably want to double up on Blightbringers/Tallymen. 
  • Tallyman now adds 1 to the hit rolls of a nearby Core unit instead of being an old Chaplain. But that's both ranged and melee. 
  • Plague Marines are +1W, +1A (more than makes up for the loss of DttFE), and -1 Power Level, so there's a reason to take them again (which is good because GW doesn't want you to take Poxwalkers/Cultists).
  • Custom contagions are Crusade only. Oh well.
  • Contagions are explicitly not Auras. This means abilities that shut down Auras do not shut down Contagions. This game is broken now.
  • All Lords and Typhus now grant rerolls. This was a serious problem last edition.
  • One of the following per detachment: Daemon Prince, Typhus, Chaos Lord/Terminator Lord, Lord of Contagion/Virulence. The GW giveth rerolls and the GW taketh rerolls away. 
    • Basically encouraging you to build a Death Star, (esp. when the Tallyman now gives +1 to ranged hits as well as melee).
  • Chaos/Termie Lords can't take Thunder Hammers even though other CSM can.
  • Generic Chaos Lord/Termie Lords are now T5 and have DR. Finally.
  • Lord of Contagion's Typhus-Lite aura is gone. But since you can only take one Lord per detachment (and you're penalized for taking multiple detachments), he's staying on the shelf now anyway.
  • Lord Felthius is now a generic LoC with a special grenade.

  • Destroyer Hive now hands out D3 mortals on a 2+.
  • M5 (+1), A6 (+2!!!)
  • New WT, Shamblerot, is an improved version of his old one - it's now a Contagion and a 6 does D3 MW instead of 1. 
    • On the minus side, it's now "at the start of your opponent's Movement phase," rather than in both Fight phases. Boo.
  • Old Nurgle's Rot is gone, so basically Typhus (Warlord or no) isn't as automatically toxic to be around as he was last edition. 
  • No longer grants Poxwalkers +1T. Ouch.
  • Manreaper now has "anti-horde" and "mini-TH" profiles a la Morty's Silence, but "mini-TH" is the old profile with a -1 to hit.
  • His "can be taken outside his custom detachment without penalizing that detachment" rule (c.f. Ghaz and Shadowsun) is weirdly written - he doesn't stop the other Plague Company from "carrying a Plague Company Contagion." Doesn't say they can have that PC's WT, Relic, etc. Expect an FAQ.
  • Overall: he's faster and better at killing hordes. His max MW output has gone from 3 per enemy unit to D3 to all plus D3 to one - requires a hell of a lot of lucky rolls. The extra 2 attacks probably makes up for his new -1 hit penalty. 
All Terminators
  • The Cataphractii Armour rule is gone. It's replaced with "Diseased Terminator Armour," which keeps the 4++ without the Advance penalty OMGWTFBBQ
  • All Terminators are now M5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this game is so broken.
  • Felthius's Tainted Cohort isn't playable anymore, so you'll have to convert that one termie without a second weapon.
Warlord Traits
  • Revoltingly Resilient is now the old Disgustingly Resilient, instead of a 4+ FNP. So if you need somebody to not die (i.e., Mortarion, who has it as one of his, I kid you not, FOUR Warlord Traits), it's there.
  • Arch-Contaminator now only applies to Core, but that was expected.
  • Gloaming Bloat (Mortarion's Anvil PC only) shuts down Overwatch and rerolls. Lulz.
  • Fugaris' Helm applies to Auras, not Contagions. Would probably be broken otherwise, honestly.
  • The Ferryman's Scythe (Ferrymen PC relic) has gone from being better than a Thunder Hammer to worse. Oh well.
  • Warp Insect Hive (Mortarion's Anvil PC relic) is rerolls: the relic. Holy crap this PC is good, expect it to be used a lot in non-Typhus armies.

  • Poxwalkers and Cultists do not have the Core keyword, thus losing access to the Core buffs.
  • Cultists don't have Contagions of Nurgle or Malicious Volleys (this was expected).
  • New "Diseased Minions" detachment rule means you can't take more Poxwalker or Cultist units than Plague Marines and Blightlord/Deathshroud Terminators.
  • Basically they want you to take Plague Marines instead of the other Troops choices, but that was expected.

  • Has FOUR Warlord Traits - 5+ FNP, Aura shutdown, and Arch-Contaminator, plus one of your choosing from the Plague Companies.
  • That WT from the Plague Companies doesn't have to correspond to the Plague Company the rest of your army is. And you get it regardless of whether Morty is your Warlord OMGWTFBBQ (no doubling up on WTs, but still).
  • +1A, +1S - Morty is now S8, though given the lack of T9 in non-Forge World stuff coupled with his -1T to everything in 9" it's a bit overkill. Guess it lets him kill T5 infantry a little easier, but uh, the only T5 infantry in the game is his own Legion (right?), so go figure.
  • Silence Eviscerating Blow profile is now D3+3 damage instead of D6 so it's more reliable. 
  • Morty's damage tables kick in one wound earlier. Basically compensates for new DR. 
  • Is still Best Evil Daddy - new lore explicitly says he let Typhus do his own thing (this has always been implied, but it's nice to have confirmation).

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