Monday, August 23, 2010

Back in The Villiage Again

Ah, the return to college from a summer break. When you see your old friends, and the terrible decisions they've made regarding facial hair. When you see the moronic neighbor you had to deal with last year and pretend those were "good times." When you shake your head in wonder at the administration's latest inane construction job (they ripped out the front steps to the library!) You get the picture.

Oh, and the alcohol. And the sex. Dear God, I know you two are happy to see each other, but the loud-but-not-loud-enough techno music blasting over the moans are not fooling anyone. Neither, incidentally, are the moans.

Also, since this is the start of my senior year, I realized that 75% of the students here are young upstart posers who will be here long after I'm gone (and come to think of it, about half my class will probably have to take an extra semester too). I wonder how I made the transition from wide-eyed youngster to grouchy old man in such little time. Things that helped this summer: the Blago trial, which once again made me ashamed to have grown up in Illinois, and me finally listening to Abbey Road and thus realizing, finally, how awesome the Beatles were. This has only reinforced my contempt for all my classmates who wear Nirvana shirts.

Oh, and the food. Because it just wouldn't be college without eating rejects from the nearest one-star restaurant.

Merry Senior Year, everyone.

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