Alas, there is no Vault Hunter whose sole role is KILL MAIM BURN this time around, that was fun.
The plot of Borderlands 3 could be summarized thusly:
The villain is a superpowered individual with a god complex springing forth from the circumstances of their upbringing and their less-than-stellar relationship with their opposite-sex parent. The identity of the villain's father is a late-game plot twist, and the villain's father dies around the time the final act starts. The villain's goal is to become a god and consume the universe. The villain merges with an alien entity and transforms into a monster for the final boss fight. One of the playable characters, a former soldier for a corporation, has a crush on another playable character, a buff girl with an exposed midriff.
Did I miss anything? Ah, yes, the cruel murder of a White Magician Girl halfway through the story.
What an original concept.