Monday, October 18, 2021

When you gaze into the abyss, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die: a look at Bond's villains

 I began plotting this idea out in my head that I would review each of the main villains of the Bond series and then rank them. And then I thought that was too much work because I don't particularly want to sit through Diamonds Are Forever or, God help us, Spectre again. And as much as I love love LOVE The Living Daylights, its villains are the whitest of whitebread. 

So then I thought, "hang on, lemme do one on the best villain of each Bond incarnation." Of course, Lazenby only has the one, and Dalton really only has the one (see my comment about TLD above), so those wouldn't be terribly interesting. 

But the answers for "who was the best villain of the Connery Era" and "who was the best villain of the Moore Era" are pretty damn obvious - there's really only one candidate and one obvious runner-up for each, and no, Donald Pleasance and Christopher Lee are not on those lists - and I began thinking about them, and how they relate to Bond, and how their qualities are reflected in the Dalton, Brosnan, and Craig eras, and that brings me to the title of this post.

Image of the Week: Pearl Harbor and the Fog of War

  I follow a lot of naval history accounts, so this "Japanese map showing their assessment of the damage done to the United States flee...