At this point my first choice is Ted Cruz because
- He's conservative (putting him ahead of Bush, Trump, Kasich, and Christie)
- He's not a bloviating psychopath (putting him ahead of Trump)
- He gives a rats' about the Constitution (which is basically my way of saying he's not running on Being A Social Conservative, a la Huckabee, although he certainly does care about the Constitution more than any other candidate save - arguably - Paul)
- He didn't embarrass himself in the debate (putting him ahead of Walker, Carson, and Paul)
- And finally I trust him slightly more than Rubio on immigration.
A debate between Trump and Bernie would basically be word salad, a never ending stream of verbal vomit as two delusional twits spew out jibber-jabber envincing a total disconnect from reality. They would be the highest-watched debates in history, but purely for the entertainment value; Finnegan's Wake would be more coherent.