Tuesday, August 25, 2015

More random politics

Some people like Ben Carson. I can't get over his deer-in-the-headlights debate performance. The cold, calculating Clinton or the delusional raving Sanders will tear him apart.

At this point my first choice is Ted Cruz because

  • He's conservative (putting him ahead of Bush, Trump, Kasich, and Christie)
  • He's not a bloviating psychopath (putting him ahead of Trump)
  • He gives a rats' about the Constitution (which is basically my way of saying he's not running on Being A Social Conservative, a la Huckabee, although he certainly does care about the Constitution more than any other candidate save - arguably - Paul)
  • He didn't embarrass himself in the debate (putting him ahead of Walker, Carson, and Paul)
  • And finally I trust him slightly more than Rubio on immigration.

A debate between Trump and Bernie would basically be word salad, a never ending stream of verbal vomit as two delusional twits spew out jibber-jabber envincing a total disconnect from reality. They would be the highest-watched debates in history, but purely for the entertainment value; Finnegan's Wake would be more coherent.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service: The one-sentence review

With the possible exceptions of The Spy Who Loved Me, the non-racist minute or so of Live and Let Die, and, God help us, Moonraker, the James Bond franchise has never been as balls-to-the-wall deliciously entertaining as Kingsman.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

An incomplete list of Godfather 2's plot holes

Every once in a while there's a fortuitous intersection of two unrelated stimuli that provokes a profound reaction and inspires the incredible, viz., this blog post.

Point the first: I'm watching Godfather 2 with my folks. Because they're old and have early bedtimes, we don't get very far through the film each day and I have a lot of time to think about it.

Point the second: this chart, purporting to claim, among other things, that The Matrix is a better film than Jurassic Park or Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, that the bloated mess that is Judgment Day is better than the original Terminator, and that Godfather 2 is better than Godfather 1.

All of those claims are wrong, but I'm going to focus on the last one.

Image of the Week: Pearl Harbor and the Fog of War

  I follow a lot of naval history accounts, so this "Japanese map showing their assessment of the damage done to the United States flee...