Monday, October 28, 2013

Upcoming schedule

Hokay so. I am very busy with law school stuff, I've never really held onto any sort of promise to keep the Daily Dose actually on a daily schedule.

Right now, as far as the blog is concerned, I have two pet projects: the Faith episodes of Season 3 of Buffy, and a re-read of A Game of Thrones. (I promised I'd finish it and I will.)  I am also working on a massive post about the Mass Effect trilogy that's less a critique of anything and more my personal favorite Xs, be they squadmates or missions or weapons or soundtrack snippets.

Do not expect any Doctor Who or Babylon Five material over the next month, as I do not believe I have any material with me that I haven't already reviewed. I may do a Farscape review or two. I have Season 1.5 of Caprica here, but my interest in finishing that is extremely low.

I have to do AGOT re-read blogs on Wednesdays and Thursdays. My schedule is just too packed to get through other stuff... explain what I mean by that, I've got a working draft of my "Revelations" review already saved on Blogger, which I wrote basically from memory the day after watching the episode. I have to go back and watch the episode again with the blog open in the other window to make sure I didn't miss anything. That's 45 minutes; in contrast, I can burn through three AGOT chapters in about 15.

With that in mind, here is the schedule for the next two weeks.

Tuesday: Buffy: "Revelations"
Wednesday: A Game of Thrones  Bran III, Catelyn IV, Jon III
Thursday: A Game of Thrones Eddard IV, Tyrion III, Arya II
Friday: Buffy: Various insights to draw from "Homecoming," "The Wish," and "The Zeppo" (a full review of "The Wish" with mentions of a scene or two from the other two)
Saturday: Mass Effect Trilogy
Sunday: Buffy: "Bad Girls" and "Consequences"
Monday: A Game of Thrones Daenerys III, Bran IV, Eddard V, John IV
Tuesday: Buffy: "Enemies"
Wednesday: A Game of Thrones Eddard VI, Catelyn V, Sansa II
Thursday: A Game of Thrones Eddard VII, Arya III, Eddard VIII (skipping Tyrion IV for the moment)
Friday: Buffy: "Choices"
Saturday: A Game of Thrones Tyrion IV, Catelyn VI, Tyrion V, Catelyn VII (the entire Vale trip)
Sunday: Buffy: "Graduation Day"
Monday: A Game of Thrones Eddard IX, Daenerys IV, Bran V, Eddard X

Now, I think we all know there's not a snowball's chance in hell of me actually sticking to this schedule, but dadgumit I'm gonna try.

I've already decided to go out of the book's order for the Vale trip; I may decide on something similar for the King's Landing plot. If so, the number of chapters per day should probably remain the same.

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