Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Entertainment in Decline: Commies

The music industry is going the way of the dinosaur. Book publishing is sure to be almost directly behind it, and I can't imagine DVD (sorry, Blu-Ray) sales are going to remain afloat forever.

The culprit behind all this?

It's the commies, of course.

See, commies believe that people should work for nothing. Well, actually they believe everything should be free, which is really the same thing.

News flash: only fools work for nothing.

Here's another thing: Television. Used to be, commercials paid for TV shows. Way back in the 50s and early 60s, it took televisions such a long time to warm up that you'd inevitably leave them on all day. So you'd be hearing commercials all day. Or perhaps you'd turn the volume down; you'd still be seeing commercials all day. And as technology got better, the ubiquitousness of commercials declined, but you'd still watch them in between the act breaks of your favorite shows.

And now we have DVRs and such. Hasta la bye-bye, commercials. Television ratings are crap today because these ratings refuse to take into account DVR recordings. Why should they? Nobody who DVRs a show is going to sit through the commercials (go ahead and prove me wrong, it's your life to waste).

So why is television still being made? Because people are silly, that's why.

Let me tell you what stealing is. Stealing is taking something that cost money to make without paying for it. Yup, you paid for your DVR, yup you paid for your internet, but none of that money goes to the people who make the television shows or the music or whatever.

And people will not work for nothing.

Am I suggesting that you donate to the Lars Ulrich Platinum Yacht fund? Only if you want to hear another Metallica album. If you don't, then don't.

The entertainment industry's going to pot because everybody knows they're not going to make as much money as they could have 10, 20 years ago, so why try very hard? Why try at all? No doubt there are talented, inventive people out there who are toiling away at 9-to-5 jobs because they know how screwed they'd be in today's entertainment industry.

And it's all thanks to the commies.

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