It took 16 days, 7 hours, 45 minutes and 30 seconds for thousands of players to complete the game. At the rate I'm going, I estimate taking no more than thirty hours. This gives me nine and a half hours to beat Blaine, Sabrina and Giovanni, (I conservatively estimate 30 minutes for each) Victory Road (1 hour), and the Elite Four (between the grinding and failed attempts, this could take the whole remaining 7 hours). Whatever else, this constitutes further proof of what Tommy Lee Jones said in the first Men In Black: A person is smart, (but) people are dumb, blind, panicky, dangerous animals.
(Of course, the thousands of people played Red, and I'm playing Blue. Which has Weepinbell, AKA The Most OP Early-Game Pokemon, Like, Ever.)
(In case it needed to be said, Starmie is The Most OP Late-Game Pokemon, Like, Ever.)
Taught Nidorina Thunderbolt. Now I don't need Zapdos. (There is a possibility that I might replace Pidgeot with Vulpix/Ninetails once Charmeleon evolves. I just really don't see the need for two birds. Alternatively I might replace Charmeleon with Vulpix if Pix's stats are better.) Also Nidorina has use outside of Horn Drilling whatever tanks are slower than her. Hooray! Also taught Staryu Ice Beam and evolved it into Starmie. Starmie's final move set is Ice Beam, Psychic, Bubblebeam and Surf. I kept Bubblebeam around because it has a slow, and there's a reasonable chance I may end up needing to slow somebody so that Nidorina/queen can Horn Drill them to death. (Am probably going to teach Nidorina Toxic as well.)
Other than that I got to Cinnabar Island (I royally cheated by Flying back to Pallet Town and Surfing south, rather than crawling through Seafoam Islands. Don't need Articuno and there aren't any TMs there, so what's the point?) and then made my way through Pokemon Mansion, leveling up Starmie (and Sandslash, when Starmie ran out of PP) as I went. I caught a Tentacool and a Ponyta, and they're going to rot in the PC for eternity.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
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