Wednesday, October 31, 2012

When You Wish Upon a Death Star...

I assumed this was a hoax until pretty much everyone confirmed it.

Holy crap. Disney owns Star Wars.

Holy crap. They're making Episode VII.

There are two things that need to be said at the outset.  One, even if Episode VII is the worst thing since bagpipes, it won't do more damage to the Star Wars brand than Lucas inflicted circa 1999-2005.  At this point, the franchise is buried so badly that any further digging would actually make it pass the planet core and start heading back towards the surface.  Two, even if the prequels didn't suck, there is already proof that people other than George Lucas can write and direct a good Star Wars film. And that proof is the best Star Wars film, which was directed by Irvin Kershner and written by Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan.

Now, if I were the top Disney exec, the first thing I'd do is get Timothy Zahn on the line, grab the film rights to the Thrawn trilogy, and then get either Christopher Nolan or J.J. Abrams to do a pass on the script. I'd specifically look for those two because we've seen from Batman and Star Trek what they can do with stale, worn-out franchises.

Then I'd cast Nathan Fillion as Talon Karrde and Christoph Waltz as Grand Admiral Thrawn. And then, while the internet exploded, I would plaster the Death Star all over Space Mountain.

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